Easy to use, compact, effective in some difficult cases to observe the glottis when intubation is difficult, reasonable price” (Intubation kit with camera)
This intubation kit helps the intubator not to have to look directly at the glottis, but only indirectly through the camera and limit the patient's discharge of the patient's secretions into the intubator" (product intubation kit with camera)
Multiple blade sizes make for a versatile intubation kit for use during difficult intubation and laryngeal trauma. Large screen with good image quality” (Intubation kit product with camera)
especially suitable for respiratory tract injuries and flexible ducts to reduce intubation time” (flexible cook tube product)
1. Easy to use
2. The image is clear, not blurred, not blurred because the camera is not affected by water vapor in the oral cavity.
3.Suitable for difficult intubation cases (MAC 3.4)
4.Good battery, long usage time
His department met 2 cases of difficult intubation that were known in advance. Case 1: The patient was diagnosed with difficult intubation with Cormak 4 1 year ago because of respiratory failure after deep sedation for gastroscopy. This time, the patient was also assigned to endoscopy of the stomach and colon under anesthesia. However, just given sedation, the patient showed a drop of tongue, a drop in SpO2. Thanks to the video laryngoscope, the patient was intubated promptly and easily. Case 2, the patient was born with congenital maxillofacial deformity. There are indications for orthopedic and ear reconstruction. However, the patient was unable to undergo surgery after receiving anesthesia at a leading hospital in the city because he could not be intubated. The patient's parents decided to transfer the child to FV hospital in the hope that he would be successfully endotracheal anesthesia. Anesthesiologist consulted with Otolaryngology Department to prepare all difficult intubation kits including fibroscope. However, after anesthesia, he was still unable to intubate despite using a fibroscope. Also, thanks to the video laryngoscope, the glottis was clearly visible for intubation under the guidance of a flexible bougie. The baby was successfully operated on with the joy of parents and medical staff.